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Úvod - Kultura - Pardubicko, Chrudimsko a Hlinecko - Muzea - Pardubice - EAST BOHEMIAN MUSEUM OF PARDUBICE



Negarantovaná informace
Address:Zámek 2, 530 02 Pardubice
Telephone:+420 466 799 240
GPS:50°2'27,860"N, 15°46'35,110"E
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The museum is located in Pardubice castle that is one of the most interesting renaissance buildings in Bohemia. The building itself is surrounded by unique moat, stony wall and when there might be a danger, the nearby area could be all flooded by water from local rivers the Labe and the Chrudimka. Inside the castle there have been preserved the original early renaissance decorations and the whole building has been reconstructed recently.

There is more then a hundred year tradition in displaying arms. The museum has been devoted to this tradition systematically in the last couple of years. A visitor can see a permanent arms exhibition, which is just a tiny piece of a vast collection. The aim of the collection is to give the knowledge of the basic categories of arms to the non-professionals, and at the same time to be interesting for the professionals who might find the arms attractive because of their technical and artistic look. The main part of the exhibition consists of shooting guns, which are divided into muzzle-loaders, breech-loaders, repeating rifles and automatic guns.

Apart from the arms the castle offers a glass exhibition, a rare collection of postcards, show-round of the knight premises with paintings on walls, and time to time there are other short-time exhibitions.

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